

The award recognizes unusual, meritorious or superior contributions by University employees.

卡罗莱纳大学的六名员工已经被校长Carol L. 获得2018年C. 诺克斯·梅西杰出服务奖, 这是教职员工最梦寐以求的荣誉之一.

“这些了不起的人, 通过他们的辛勤工作和奉献, 日复一日, 创造我们所爱的卡罗来纳,福尔特说. “They are incredible community builders and we thank them for their service and commitment to excellence.”

晚期C. 达勒姆大学的诺克斯·梅西(Knox Massey)于1980年创立了该奖项,以表彰“与众不同”的人, 大学员工的“有功或卓越贡献”.1984年,他加入了儿子小诺克斯·梅西(Knox Massey Jr .)的家庭.和女儿凯·梅西·威瑟斯彭创立了梅西-威瑟斯彭基金. 该基金的收入支持梅西奖和卡罗莱纳研讨会. 梅西奖的获奖者将每人获得1万美元的津贴.

从全校提名中选出, the Massey Award recipients will be honored at a luncheon hosted by Folt on April 14, 他们将在哪里领取奖状和津贴. 今年的获奖人包括:

  • 玛蒂娜·肯德里克·拜伦, 高级副体育总监兼首席财务官, 体育系;
  • Gregory J. Gangi, 教育处副处长, the UNC Institute for the Environment; associate teaching professor, 环境与生态;
  • 南诺管家泰勒·霍尔;
  • 罗纳德·L. 曼格社会工作学院临床助理教授;
  • 达瑞尔·莫里斯·奥多姆, housekeeper, the Kenan Center; and
  • 芭芭拉·波尔克本科招生办公室副主任、高级副主任.


作为裁判, 法官, 体育部财务裁判员和计时员, 巴伦为保持部门预算的平衡和健康做出了决定. 卡罗莱纳大学毕业生, she joined the staff in 1987 as director of finance and rose through the ranks to become senior associate director of athletics and chief financial officer. 她现在管理的收入总计为95美元.500万年. 在一个拥抱竞争的环境中, 她致力于公平, 被描述为关心, 深思熟虑的, 坚强,是正直和善良的榜样. Ballen leads the department’s diversity committee and created and helped launch Tar Heel Trailblazers honoring African­-American student-athletes who paved the way for those who follow. She is past chair of the board of directors of the Autism Society of North Carolina and in addition to her Massey Award, 获得2011年Harvey Elliott Beech杰出校友奖.

Gregory J. Gangi

Gangi是塑造生活的环境的有力倡导者. 他于2000年加入我们, with dual roles as 教育处副处长 in the UNC Institute for the Environment and associate teaching professor in environment and ecology, he connects scientific curiosity to intellectual capital across campus and in the state, 国家与世界. Gangi以对学生的奉献而闻名. He was previously honored with a Tanner Teaching Award and twice recognized by the National Academic Advising Association for innovative approaches to mentoring. 十多年了, Gangi has served as faculty mentor and faculty coordinator for the University’s Scholars Program. “他是卡罗来纳州制度变革的推动者,”一位同事写道. Gangi的教室没有边界. 他领导世界各地的环境实地研究, created dual-degree programs in schools across campus and established the UNC Clean Tech Summit to link students, 他们的想法和精力,以行业领导者和潜在的职业生涯在环境.


干净的工作环境创造健康的工作环境, 解除精神, 提高生产力,为员工带来不同, 学生和教师. 在大学工作了11年,在泰勒宿舍做管家, 康创建了一个教学社区, 研究和服务蓬勃发展. More than 75 colleagues praised her many professional and personal contributions to their well-being, noting her “above and beyond” efforts to accommodate their work schedules and address the unique challenges of maintaining many laboratories in an aging building. “When Nan is working in Taylor, the surroundings become brighter, literally,” praised a colleague. 超出了她的正常职责范围, Kham在学生入住期间与设施服务部门合作回收, contributes to staff activities and volunteers in the Carolina Campus Community Garden. In the words of a nominator, “She is extremely hard-working, efficient, helpful and approachable.”

罗纳德·L. 曼格

For 曼格, social work is more than a career; it’s a calling. 20年来, 曼格’s calling has been the highest and most perfect expression of University outreach. 曼格为北太阳城娱乐的100个县带来了最佳实践, working with providers who partner with the State Bureau of Investigation to rescue children in home-based meth labs, 他们在青少年司法累犯处工作, 虐待儿童, 忽视和药物使用. 最近, he helped build and implement North Carolina’s certified peer support specialist program, 为生活在康复中的人们颁发证书,以帮助有需要的人. 超过3个,000 [North Carolinians] are engaged in meaningful volunteer or paid employment — rather than being ‘disabled’— due in part to the opportunities Ron has helped to create,一位提名人写道. 曼格 also developed a classroom lecture linking his personal experience as a black man in segregated Durham to his expertise working with vulnerable, 边缘化和被压迫人群. “我很欣赏你的坦率和慷慨,”一名学生写道. “这是一种鼓舞.”


Senior administrators from the Kenan Center, 凯南-弗拉格勒商学院 and the William R. Kenan Charitable Trust nominated Odom in gratitude for his 30 years of professionalism and goodwill. 用一位同事的话来说, “达里尔对高标准的追求, 他对环境的尊重和对同事的合作态度, staff and visitors to the Kenan Center make him a wonderful role model for other employees.” Described as “meticulous,” Odom upholds the values of integrity, accountability, service and trust. In addition to his Massey Award and in recognition of his longstanding and outstanding job performance, he was honored during the Employee Forum peer recognition award ceremony with the call of duty award for those who go above and beyond their job expectations. 用高度赞扬的话, 一位提名人写道, “看到达里尔就是要认识到,这是一个对自己所做的一切感到自豪的人.”


她是卡罗莱纳的亲生女儿, 1979年毕业, and among the University’s finest—honored as an undergraduate with membership in the Order of the Golden Fleece. In 1980, the University hired Polk to find and secure the next generation of its best and brightest. Now deputy director and senior associate director in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, 她是大学终止提前录取政策的幕后推手, putting Carolina at the forefront of a movement to release high school seniors from a premature and binding academic commitment. 和体育部合作, Barbara balanced competing demands to identify student-athletes who are as capable in the classroom as they are in their chosen arena. 被描述为公平, 诚实的, 不知疲倦的, 无私和亲切, 她因帮助困难的学生和家庭而受到特别重视. “Her good deeds have typically taken place behind the scenes and out of the limelight,一位同事写道。. “她这样做是出于对学校的爱和她善良的心.”