Around Campus

Ronald Mangum, developer of peer support specialist program, has few peers

Mangum是今年由校长Carol L. Folt for the prestigious C. Knox Massey Distinguished Service Award.

Sometimes the best teacher is a bad example.

Ronald Mangum will never forget what he learned years ago from two doctors. 当第一个妻子告诉他和他的妻子,他们刚出生的双胞胎中的一个即将死去时,她头也不抬. 当曼格姆告诉另一个人,即将在幸存的双胞胎身上使用的紧急程序之前曾导致他停止呼吸时,他耸了耸肩. “这只是一个你必须冒的险,”医生在离开之前对他说.

“It was horrendous,” Mangum recalled. “My goal is to never, ever, ever do that to anyone intentionally. 这让我走上了一条真正与人相处并保持专注的道路——即使当我除了倾听之外什么都做不了的时候——因为有时候这就是所需要的.”

Eventually, that path led him to the School of Social Work, 他在那里做了20年的临床助理教授,今年4月退休. Mangum是今年由校长Carol L. Folt for the prestigious C. Knox Massey Distinguished Service Award.

The honor left the normally talkative Mangum speechless.

“I’ve never worked to receive recognition or reward,” Mangum said. “My motive is to treat people right and do my best.”

In search of justice

At first, 曼格姆想成为一名律师,但在从纽约大学毕业后,他对这个想法不再抱有幻想.C. A&T State University. He did go back to school, though, for a master’s degree in counseling at N.C. Central University.

他做了多年的药物滥用顾问,然后尝试在企业界做咨询. 当他的公司工作搬迁时,他决定留在那里,靠近他在达勒姆的大家庭. “That’s when I really started engaging in what one would call on-the-ground, true social work,” he said.

“On the ground” was right. 曼格姆在联邦政府资助的国家青年帮派中心工作,他的新工作去过17个州, 提供信息和培训,防止年轻人加入帮派.

Coming to Carolina

曼格姆有时还与卡罗莱纳的乔丹家庭研究所合作,研究青少年司法问题. 他的名字出现在1998年,当时社会工作学院的家庭和儿童资源项目有一个空缺. 事实证明,曼格姆所有宝贵的实地经验都很适合这个项目, which brings the latest social work research from academia to practice.

“我希望在我的职业生涯之初就知道我在培训社会工作者什么,” he said, “因为我知道,我们提供给社工的信息,一旦他们进入这个领域,就会很有价值.”

曼格姆在演讲中加入了个人色彩,他将自己作为黑人在种族隔离和民权运动时期的成长经历与自己的咨询工作联系起来. 当他对学生讲话时,他站在一个屏幕前,屏幕上展示着一系列那个时代的照片.

“You see a short African-American male walk into the room. But this is what you don’t see,” he told his students. 这堂课提醒学生们,社会工作者在与他人的互动中会带着一定数量的情感和历史包袱,他们的客户也是如此. 重要的是要有一些自我意识,以避免将你的历史投射到那些来我们这里接受公正援助的人身上.

在一封提名信中,曼格姆的一名学生写道:“我感谢你的坦率和慷慨. It is an inspiration.”

Value of lived experience

也许正是他分享了自己的生活经历,当州政府为同伴支持专家设立认证时,学校里的人又想起了他. 当被告知有机会在学校开发和领导认证项目时, he said he’d think about it. Then he Googled “peer support specialist” to find out what it meant.

当他太阳城娱乐同伴支持专家是那些患有精神疾病和/或物质使用障碍的人,他们支持其他人经历这些经历, Mangum instantly saw their value in social work.

“I don’t know what it’s like to live under a bridge. I don’t know what it’s like to be in a mental institution,” he said. “这些获得认证的男女都有,他们可以向他们展示有一种不同的方式.”

Mangum had no model to guide him, 但他确实有一个由经验丰富的男女组成的咨询团队,以及学校行为健康跳板项目和国家精神健康发展障碍和药物滥用服务部门的资源. The program the team developed has produced 3,007 certificate holders to date, 400 of them veterans or military personnel. 每个同伴支持专家完成40小时的同伴支持批准培训,加上20小时与心理健康或药物使用相关的培训.

“More than 3,000(北卡罗莱纳人)从事有意义的志愿者或有偿工作,而不是“残疾”,部分原因是罗恩帮助创造了机会,” wrote one of Mangum’s nominators.

曼格姆总是说,当这个项目“趋于平稳”时,他就会退休,但它一直在增长. Mangum的社区参与也不太可能“趋于平稳”. On his second day of retirement, 他没有闲着,而是兴奋地聊起在过渡生活中心做志愿者的事.

“You don’t lay down helping people. You don’t stop,” he said. “I don’t think I can turn it off.”