

Student-run 教堂的惊险逃脱 offers an escape room experience customized for Tar Heels.

Group of six people posing for a photo at an escape room
(摄影:Emily Nelson)

穿过麦考克尔广场, 你看到拉美西斯朝老井跑去, 紧张地看他的怀表. 但是当你到了那里, a large hole in the ground has swallowed up the water fountain and the mascot! You peer down, and a gust of wind blows you into the opening. When you stop falling, you are in Wonderland, 太阳城娱乐城ing for the way home.

This scenario introduces participants to “拉美西斯梦游仙境,” 教堂的惊险逃脱’ latest challenge: a magical Lewis Carroll-inspired escape room built in the basement of Cobb Residence Hall.

The creators can’t reveal the specifics of this Alice-like adventure because that would spoil the fun. But mad tea parties and a Cheshire cat probably figure into the games, 玩家需要解决的谜题和谜语. However, in a Tar Heel customization, the White Rabbit has been replaced by Carolina’s ram mascot.

In 2019, 教堂的惊险逃脱 became the first student-run escape room nonprofit in the country, making the escape room craze more accessible and affordable for Tar Heels. 这些经历很有趣,但也很有教育意义, teaching people how to work together by trapping them in a room until they can solve a series of puzzles.

“我最感兴趣的是, 这也是我最喜欢的关于Chapel Thrill的部分, 合作是项目固有的吗, 这需要创造性的, 多方面的团队以成功的方式完成,莱利·哈珀说, 教堂的惊险逃脱的CEO.

教堂的惊险逃脱 was founded by three seniors — Cam Champion, Phillip Smart and Dan Hirst. The Morehead-Cain Foundation gave them access to the critical funding required for their first escape room, “从钟楼逃走.”

在那次冒险中, players must solve a complicated maze created by a Carolina chemistry professor to protect a powerful “immortality gem.“COVID-19提前结束了面对面的体验, but the group adapted the room to be playable online for free as a way of memorializing it.

教堂的惊险逃脱 changes the theme of the room every year, starting with brainstorming and planning phases during the early fall. Students in the organization get to build puzzles and decorate the room to create the most immersive experience it can be.

“I love the people involved and our ability to deliver something for the community,玛丽安娜·查韦斯·格雷罗说, 教堂的惊险逃脱的执行董事. “Everyone that has joined 教堂的惊险逃脱 comes from such different backgrounds and academic interests, yet we all are able to handle so many different moving parts of what it takes to launch a room.”


The current “Wonderland” escape room was built in the Cobb basement with support from 卡罗来纳住房, 其执行董事, 阿兰布拉特纳, is an adviser and key player in the organization’s development. BeAM Makerspace gave the group access to tools, equipment and workshop training. Their business team works alongside Innovate Carolina, 1789 Student 创新创业 Hub and Meantime Coffee.

“没有他们, we wouldn’t have the resources to be able to create this amazing opportunity for students and the community,格雷罗说. “I love the collective feeling of pride in the room once it is finally complete. Being able to actually see something that we all put countless amounts of hours and work into is an extremely rewarding experience — especially once we see the community embrace it with so much love.”

玩家现在可以为“拉美西斯梦游仙境“一月经历”. Tickets are $12 for Carolina students and $18 for faculty and staff. 另一个卡罗莱纳主题的密室在128 E. 富兰克林圣. 计划在2024年春季开放吗.