

印第安运动员的故事, 这取决于在北卡罗来纳州的两个夏天, 提醒我们重新评估该“诋毁”谁,该“推崇”谁,体育历史学家马特·安德鲁斯说.


一个多世纪以前, events from two summers in 北卡罗莱纳 led the International Olympic Committee to strip two gold medals from Native American athlete Jim Thorpe. 7月15日, 在他去世近70年后, the IOC renamed Thorpe the sole winner of the 1912 Olympic decathlon and pentathlon. 

了解更多关于索普的背景, athletic prowess and what led to the stripping and reinstatement of his Olympic victories, 油井采访了Matt Andrews, teaching associate professor in the 文理学院’ history department, 专门研究体育和美国文化之间联系的人. 

Thorpe, who belonged to the Sac and Fox Nation, grew up in Indian Territory in what is now Oklahoma. When Thorpe was 16, his father sent him to Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania. 

安德鲁斯将卡莱尔描述为一所“created and run by white philanthropists who believed that Native Americans needed to be stripped of their culture and assimilate with dominant white culture in the United States.他说卡莱尔的校训是“杀死印第安人,拯救人类”.“在这所学校, 印第安学生被教授英语, “正确的餐桌礼仪”以及棒球和足球等运动. 

索普擅长他所从事的每项运动. 在长曲棍球方面有天赋, 一项起源于美洲原住民的运动, 棒球和田径, 索普在大学橄榄球赛中出了名. 

In 1911, Carlisle Indian School defeated football powerhouse Harvard University. 安德鲁斯说,人们开始注意到球队的明星索普. 


在1912年斯德哥尔摩夏季奥运会上,索普加入了美国.S. 团队, 在五项比赛中大获全胜, 由五个田径项目组成, 还有十项全能. 

在十项全能中, 他得了8分,10分中的413分,比第二名高000 - 688分, 瑞典运动员雨果·维斯兰德. 

安德鲁斯说,美国.S. Olympic 团队 returned to a ticker-tape parade in New York City and Thorpe got the loudest cheer. 

1912年的球队, 他说, 特色非裔美国人, 夏威夷人, 比如伟大的游泳运动员杜克·卡哈纳莫库, 以及移民到美国的爱尔兰裔美国人.S.  

“A lot of people held up Thorpe as a representative of the promise of diversity in the United States,安德鲁斯说。. 不过,也有一些人认为这种多样性存在问题.” 

印第安人并没有成为美国人.S. citizens until President Calvin Coolidge signed the Indian Citizenship Act in 1924. Kahanamoku was a native of the Polynesian archipelago of Hawaii, which didn’t become a U.S. 1959年以前的状态. 女运动员代表美国参赛.S. 在他们获得投票权之前,他们在奥运会上的表现. 矛盾还在继续,杰西·欧文斯代表美国.S. at the 1936 Berlin Olympics even though African Americans lacked basic civil rights in America. 

安德鲁斯说:“很明显,这里存在着某种程度的虚伪. “美国是, 一般来说, more than welcome to have great athletes of color represent them in international competition but then deny them full civil rights back at home.” 

回到家,索普又回到了足球场. 在1912年秋天, he led the Carlisle Indians to a stunning victory over the powerful Army program, whose star player was future WWII general and President Dwight David Eisenhower. 

1913年,索普的运气变了, when news spread that the Olympic gold medalist earned money 打小联盟棒球 in Rocky Mount and Fayetteville, 北卡罗莱纳, 在1912年奥运会前的两个夏天.  


1992年以前,奥运会运动员必须是“业余运动员”.但这是什么意思呢? Andrews said amateurism meant any athlete who accepted money for playing a sport was barred from the Olympics. 

在索普的时代, 许多大学运动员挣了额外的钱, 大约每周25美元, 打小联盟棒球. 他们用假名来保持业余身份. 当索普在北卡罗来纳州打棒球时,他签了自己的名字. 

落基山的历史标志, 这是吉姆·索普在1912年奥运会前打棒球的地方

A historical marker in Rocky Mount indicates where Jim Thorpe played baseball prior to the 1912 Olympics. (北工大自然文化资源厅)

美国奥委会利用这一证据剥夺了索普的奖牌. 国际奥委会把他的名字从纪录册上删除了. The man who had made history in the games did so again by becoming the first Olympic athlete to have his medals taken away. 

安德鲁斯说,迅速谴责索普缺乏正当程序, 他称针对他的行动“有点非法”的原因之一.” Thorpe’s violations also were not discovered until six months after the Olympics, well past the 60-day deadline for filing a letter of opposition according to the rules at the time. 

“I have no doubt in my mind that if Jim Thorpe had been an upper-class white athlete from, 说, 哈佛或普林斯顿, 他就不会像现在这样被牺牲,被砍掉,安德鲁斯说。. “他是否在技术上违反了规则?? 是的, but there are a lot of ways to defend Jim Thorpe back then and because he was Native American, 因为他很脆弱, 他被袭击了.” 

十项全能第二名, 瑞典的Wieslander, 被挤到第一名然后获得金牌. Andrews 说s Wieslander always considered Thorpe the “real” victor in the decathlon. 

挪威的费迪南德·比, 五项第二名, 被授予金奖但从未接受. 


Following the scandal, Thorpe played Major League Baseball for the New York Giants from 1913 to 1919. In 1915, 他加入了广州斗牛犬队, 俄亥俄州联盟的职业橄榄球队, and continued playing pro football as a new league emerged — the National Football League. Thorpe was elected the first president of the NFL when it was originally established as the American Professional Football Association in 1920. 


1913年,吉姆·索普为纽约巨人队效力. (美国国会图书馆)

Though considered by many the greatest American athlete from the first half of the 20th尽管如此,索普始终未能摆脱1912年的阴霾. 

1928年,他从体育界退役,在电影中找到了一些小角色. Andrews said Thorpe died penniless in 1953 with the general narrative of him as “a great athlete, 而是一个不守规矩的人, 欺骗系统或者, 至少, 不知道他应该知道的规则.” 


在20世纪80年代, Andrews said the IOC began landing high-dollar sponsorship deals and began to understand the inherent hypocrisy of its amateurism rules for athletes. 1992年,国际奥委会允许职业运动员参加奥运会. 

“The IOC is very reluctant to admit that they’ve ever made mistakes,安德鲁斯说。. 

In 1982, the IOC gave duplicate medals to Thorpe’s family but listed him as a co-champion in the record books. 

2022年7月15日,索普夺得十项全能金牌110周年, the IOC announced that it would reinstate Thorpe as the sole winner of the 1912 Olympic pentathlon and decathlon. 

“这对吉姆·索普没有任何好处. 显然,这对吉姆·索普的家人没有任何好处。. 他们总是知道什么是对的,什么是错的.” 

但是,尽管有些人可能认为国际奥委会的行动太少也太迟了, reflecting on the past is “part of the larger push and thrust for social justice,安德鲁斯说. 

作为一名历史学家, 我认为回顾过去是很重要的, to once again revisit the people who we have chosen to villainize and to valorize and to reassess what they did and to reassess the way they were treated,安德鲁斯说。.