

University leaders announce the approval of a lease at Grubb Properties’ 136 Rosemary Street for a downtown Chapel Hill innovation hub, 这将为越来越多的以创新为重点的公司确立一个城镇长袍战略, 行业伙伴关系和人才.


到明年这个时候, Chapel Hill will feature an innovation hub that will be a magnet for those seeking the inventive re太阳城娱乐城 and entrepreneurial vibrancy of UNC-Chapel Hill and connections to the community partners and businesses coming to town.

本周, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill took a significant step forward in launching a full-scale innovation hub as the UNC Board of Governors approved the University’s lease for approximately 20,000 square-feet of space in the building located at 136 East Rosemary Street that is being renovated and reimagined by Grubb Properties in the heart of downtown Chapel Hill. 该大学的创新中心将会有 创新卡, UNC-Chapel Hill’s central team that provides strategic guidance and practical tools and resources to support people and organizations on campus and in the community who make an economic and social impact through innovation, 创业与经济发展. 该大楼还将成为其他生命科学和高科技公司的总部, 为学术与产业合作创造新的机会.

太阳城娱乐的中心将共同定位该大学支持创新的项目, 创业和它的研究到市场的管道与创业加速器, 为行业和社区合作伙伴提供联合办公空间和协作商业环境. The hub will offer the innovation centers of large corporations opportunities to team with Carolina re太阳城娱乐城ers and connect with the University’s significant pool of innovation talent to build cross-functional solutions to business and social challenges.  创业公司, 小型企业, 非营利组织, 企业和投资者将利用该中心与学生密切合作, 教师和发明家建立新的企业, 产品, 服务和技术. 该空间预计将于2023年第二季度开放. 创新卡 is now accepting inquiries of interest from organizations and individuals who may be interested in joining the hub through individual subscriptions and program memberships.

合作激发创新, particularly when we combine the knowledge and re太阳城娱乐城 expertise of faculty and students with the market-driven experience of business leaders, 校友和主要行业合作伙伴,总理凯文·古斯凯维奇说. “教堂山市中心充满了战略合作的机会, and the work that leaders in our local Carolina community are doing together will make the new innovation hub a place where we can cultivate talent for North Carolina’s future workforce. Our teams of innovation strategists and practitioners are moving re太阳城娱乐城 and ideas from campus into the world to make a true impact.”

中心是 太阳城娱乐经济发展战略, 哪个设计是为了创建一个市中心的创新区,将保留, 在教堂山吸引和发展更多的创新型公司和人才. 这项工作是由创新卡罗莱纳和两个由大学组成的城镇礼服委员会领导的, 城镇和社区领导人. 新的创新中心将成为该地区的支柱,并创造就业机会, 加速研发驱动型新产品的行业伙伴关系, 学生企业家体验式学习, 新公司和非营利组织的建立和发展专注于创造社会和经济利益.

“The innovation hub is a central part of our shared plan for making Chapel Hill a place that is even more inviting for companies and individual professionals who are looking for a place to grow their ideas and expand their businesses,教堂山镇镇长帕姆·海明格说.  “We’ve made great strides in enhancing our infrastructure and increasing available office spaces to begin transforming the downtown into a vibrant innovation district where people from across our community can come together and find new avenues to thrive.”

生物学实验室, 生命科学创业公司的首要联合办公空间, 也将位于Grubb Properties的罗斯玛丽街136号大楼和毗邻的东富兰克林街137号. 去年秋天公布的, 生物学实验室 and the University are developing a strategic partnership to create a greater number of startups based on UNC-Chapel Hill faculty re太阳城娱乐城. 该合作伙伴关系将包括与创新卡的校园合作 启动加速器 生命科学事业. The presence of 生物学实验室 in the downtown innovation district provides an attractive avenue for faculty-founded startups that seek larger shared office and lab environments when they outgrow their earliest company spaces on campus.


教堂山创新中心的成员将能够从各种工作空间中进行选择, 包括浮动办公桌和联合工作区, 私人办公室, 会议室, 培训室, 商务中心, 以及活动和网络区域. 通过这些创造性的环境, the hub will offer programming and opportunities to connect and collaborate with a wide range of people and organizations interested in innovation and entrepreneurship.

  • 创业公司和小企业.初创企业和小型企业可以参与创业加速器项目, 利用协作工作空间,与大型创业顾问网络建立联系, 有才华的学生, 研究人员和战略商业伙伴.
  • 公司.大公司可以探索与大学研究人员合作的机会,共同研究校园实验室的新太阳城娱乐, 降低风险的研究可能与商业途径有关, 并与创新型学生建立联系.
  • 教师和学生.通过枢纽, 学院可以与企业领导者的研发部门建立创造性的伙伴关系, while students can experience learning opportunities that come from working with other student entrepreneurs and companies that need fellows, 实习生和未来员工.
  • 校友.太阳城娱乐的校友可以使用该中心作为物理空间,以保持与大学的联系, 确保自己或公司定期远程办公, 或者为去教堂山旅行预留专业空间.
  • 远程工作者.The hub will also provide local remote workers – whether working corporate or freelance jobs – with flexible workspaces where they can work independently or in collaborative group settings.


超越物理工作空间, 该中心将提供一整套以创业和创新为重点的项目和服务. These will be provided by 创新卡’s team of experienced entrepreneurial practitioners and a group of campus and community partners.

大型企业和行业合作伙伴将通过体验式学习与学生和教师合作, 新兴技术和新的商业途径.

“The new downtown hub is where we’ll put innovation into practice by equipping all types of organizations and people from the Chapel Hill community with the entrepreneurial tools, 他们需要的技能和方法来激活和扩展他们的想法,谢丽尔·沃德尔说, 卡罗来纳州经济发展部临时主任. “无论你是个人企业家, 小型创业公司或跨国公司, the hub will offer programs and services that help you move new 产品及服务 to the commercial market or toward social impact faster and with greater focus.”


  • 创业加速器程序. 创新中心将成为…的新家 教堂山发射场, 这是一个屡获殊荣的加速器,由大学之间的合作伙伴关系创建, 教堂山镇和奥兰治县提供工作空间, entrepreneur-in-residence导师, 科技资源, 网络和获得专业服务.
  • 设计思考. Experts in human-centered design will offer workshops and personalized sessions that help individual innovators and organizations of all sizes use proven methods to identify customer needs earlier and build more focused technologies, 产品及服务.
  • 专利美化和市场调研. 一个与数百名发明家合作过的研究专家团队, 初创公司和企业家将提供定制的分析报告和见解,以评估市场准备情况, 竞争格局, 定价模型, 以及潜在的合作伙伴和资金.
  • 创业发展服务.创新卡的风险投资服务包括与活动相关的项目,如行业研讨会和焦点小组, 顾问演示会议和反向推介, 以及以项目为重点的举措,如学生奖学金计划, 怎样编写支持, 商业发展.
  • 人才招聘. 创新卡的学生创新项目帮助创业, 小企业和以创新为导向的组织与一些最有进取心的学生联系,探索实习机会, 体验式学习和其他专业发展途径.

Organizations and individuals who are interested in learning more about the innovation hub or participating in the downtown district can contact 创新卡 via an 网上兴趣表格. “创新卡罗莱纳”正在努力将感兴趣的各方与潜在的参与机会联系起来.